The objective was to relieve, as far as the means of the organization permitted, the urgent needs of deserving Swiss citizens, either financially or morally, or both, to care for their needy family residing in the Philippines or to provide for those who die without means for a decent burial and resting place.

A capital was set up through yearly donations by the SCI and other donors. The funds are placed in Swiss francs as well as in Philippine pesos.

There was no Social Security System in place at that time and Swiss citizens could not count on support from their home country. In the 1960’s, with the advent of the welfare state, many needs were then covered by the Swiss government. However, in the 70’s and 80’s, the number of Swiss residing in the Philippines, legally and illegally, increased sharply while the support extended by the Swiss Government tended to decrease due to financial constraints.

The Swiss Benevolent Foundation Inc. was registered as a separate entity from the Swiss Club Philippines Inc. with the local authorities in December 1999.